Visiting Marymount – Update

Due to the prevalence of respiratory viral infections onsite at Marymount we urge you to visit the hospital only when absolutely essential

Anyone with signs and symptoms of a respiratory infection, regardless of the cause, or if they are feeling unwell, must not visit the Hospital.

For those who must visit, please note that wearing face masks is mandatory in all ward areas. Please:

  • Regularly apply the alcohol hand gel (hand sanitizer) which is freely available across the Hospital.
  • If you need to cough, please do so into your elbow to stop germs getting on to your hands and spreading to other people.
  • Use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze.
  • Bin used tissues as quickly as possible. 

Your understanding and compliance help protect our patients, residents, staff, and fellow visitors. 

Thank you for your support in maintaining a safe environment.

Updated 14th January 2025 

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