How you can Support Marymount


Your donations make a huge difference. Choose to make a one-time donation or subscribe.


Take a look at upcoming events and how you can run fundraising events for Marymount.


There are many departments that you could volunteer for. Learn more here.

Upcoming Events

Annual Gold Classic

6th September 2024

Bewley’s Coffee Morning

26th September 2024

Light Up A Life

1st December 2024

Past Events

Cork Summer Show

15th & 16th July 2024

Open Garden

4th July 2024

Sunflower Day

7th & 8th June 2024

Corporate Partnerships

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) involves integrating social and environmental concerns into a company’s business operations on a voluntary basis. More and more businesses see corporate responsibility as essential to growing an ethical, sustainable and profitable business.

How Your Donations Make a Difference

Enhanced Services

Funds support outreach visits by our clinical teams, upgrades to patient accommodation, improved family/bereavement support programmes and more.

Modern Facilities

Maintaining and improving this space requires constant upkeep and further enhancements to better serve families.

Strategic Goals

Your support empowers us to turn our ambitious projects into reality across palliative care, services for older people, education and research.

Commitment to Excellence

We value the dignity and respect the rights and wishes of everyone we care for and work with.

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