Accessing a Bed

Services For Older People

What Care We Offer

Marymount hospital provides accommodation for up to 63 older adults. It caters primarily for adults who require continuing care: however, it also provides 12 respite beds and up to 6 palliative care support beds for those with intermediate palliative care needs.

The centre provides 24 hour nursing care. There is a Medical Officer on site Monday to Friday and physiotherapy is available 37hrs/week. The centre has a highly skilled workforce, and further education and development is actively promoted among all staff through the onsite education centre.

The multidisciplinary team provides a holistic approach to care. We aim to support and develop the on-going interaction between the residents and their families and between families and the staff of the hospital. All care is rendered in a professional manner, in an atmosphere of respect, warmth and friendship. We are in constant revision of our practices and procedures in accordance with international best practice so that we continue to improve the service and care that we offer our residents.


Respite care is a service for carers. It aims to give carers time for themselves, for their own lives, in the knowledge that the person they normally care for is safe and being cared for in a recognised place of care.

We provide 12 beds for respite admissions (4 male or 4 female beds per shared room) within the Service for Older People. This is a planned short admission (usually two weeks).

Palliative Care Support

Palliative care support (PCS) beds are provided within Marymount’s Service for Older People for persons with life limiting illness who have care needs but do not require specialist palliative care. The Community Palliative Care team may be involved in the care of these patients/residents when appropriate.

PCS beds are a form of intermediate care that is distinct from and serves a different purpose to continuing care and people may avail of these beds for respite or for a more extended period of time.

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